Refer to Exceed

How much will your candidate earn through Exceed?

To receive an accurate take home pay calculation that’s tailored to your candidate and their assignment, please provide as much information as possible.

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    Candidate Details

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    Assignment Rateis NOT the candidate's rate of pay. I will explain what this rate includes before referring them to Exceed.

    What is an Assignment Rate?


    An Assignment Rate is an uplifted hourly rate paid by the recruitment agency to Exceed Contracting.

    It is not the rate that the CIS Subcontractor would receive, as it includes Exceed's margin.

    It is not the rate that your Umbrella candidate would receive, as Exceed will need to deduct the following to calculate their Gross Salary:

    1. Holiday pay and related employment costs, if holiday pay is accrued.

    2. Employment costs such as Employer’s NI and the Apprenticeship Levy.

    3. Exceed’s margin per weekly timesheet.

    PAYE Rateexcludes employment costs, holiday pay and Exceed's margin, which will be charged separately.


    What is a PAYE Rate?

    A PAYE Rate is the contractor's hourly rate as agreed by the recruitment agency.

    Their gross pay is the PAYE Rate x hours worked.

    On top of the gross pay, Exceed will charge to the agency the employment costs (such as employer’s NI, employer's pension and the apprenticeship levy), holiday pay for the contractor, and our margin.

    The contractor will only ever see the PAYE Rate. They will NOT see the employment costs.