To get paid by Exceed, please provide as much information as you can on this form.
Essential information is indicated by an asterisk *
Got a query? Call 0800 612 8787 and we’ll be happy to help.
I wish to be engaged with Exceed as
Umbrellaan employee (Umbrella) CISself-employed (CIS Sole Trader)
TitlePlease selectMrMrsMsMissDr
First Name *
Date of Birth *
Middle Name
NationalityPlease selectAustralianAfghanAlbanianAlgerianAndorranAngolanAntiguanArgentineArmenianAustrianAzerbaijaniBelgianBahamianBahrainiBangladeshiBarbadianBelarusianBelizeanBenineseBhutaneseBolivianBosnianBotswanaBritishBrazilianBruneianBulgarianBurkinabeBurundianCanadianCameroonianCambodianCape VerdianCentral AfricanChadianChineseChileanColombianComoranCongolese (Congo)Congolese (DRC)Costa RicanCroatianCubanCypriotCzechDanishDjiboutiDominicanDutchEECEast TimoreseEcuadoreanEgyptianEquatorial GuineanEritreanEstonianEthiopianFrenchFilipinoFijianFinnishGermanGaboneseGambianGeorgianGhanaianGreekGrenadianGuyaneseGuatemalanGuineanGuinea-BissauanHungarianHaitianHonduranIrishIcelandicIndianIndonesianIranianIraqiIsraeliItalianIvorianJamaicanJapaneseJordanianKenyanKazakhstaniKiribatiNorth KoreanSouth KoreanKosovanKuwaitiKurdishKyrgyzLiechtensteinLatvianLaotianLebaneseLesothoLiberianLibyanLithuanianLuxembourgerMalaysianMalteseMacedonianMalagasyMalawianMaldivanMalianMarshalleseMauritianMauritanianMexicanMicronesianMonacoMoldovanMongolianMoroccanMozambicanMyanmareseNamibianNauruanNepaleseNigerianNicaraguanNi-VanuatuNorwegianNew ZealanderOmaniPortuguesePakistaniPalauanPanamanianPapua New GuineanParaguayanPeruvianPalestinianPolishQatariRussianRomanianRwandanSpanishSouth AfricanSalvadoranSamoanSan MarinoSao TomeSaudi ArabianSenegaleseSerbianSeychellesSierra LeoneanSingaporeanSlovakSlovenianSomaliSolomon IslandsSri LankanSaint KittsSaint LucianSudaneseSurinameSwedishSwaziSwissSyrianTrinidadianTanzanianTaiwaneseTajikTBAThaiTogoleseTonganTurkishTunisianTurkmenTuvaluanUkrainianUnited Arab EmiratesUgandanUnknownUruguayanAmericanUzbekVenezuelanVietnameseYugoslavianYemeniZimbabweanZambianZaire
Last Name *
NI Number
Known As
Occupation *
Address Lookup
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
Town / City *
Country Australia
Postcode *
Mobile Telephone * +44
Home Telephone +44
Work Telephone+44
Email *
Sort Code
Account TypeBankBuilding Society
Account Number
Bank Name
Account Name
Roll Number
This is my first job since 6 April and I’ve not been receiving taxable Jobseeker’s Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance, taxable Incapacity Benefit, State or Occupational Pension.
This is now my only job but since 6 April I’ve had another job, or received taxable Jobseeker’s Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance or taxable Incapacity Benefit. I do not receive a State or Occupational Pension.
As well as my new job, I have another job or receive a State or Occupational Pension.
I don’t have an outstanding loan or I am repaying my loan by direct debit.
Plan 1
I lived in Scotland or N. Ireland when I started my course, or I lived in England or Wales and started my course before 1st December 2012.
Plan 2
I lived in England or Wales and started my course on or after 1st September 2012.
Plan 4
I lived in Scotland and applied through the Students Award Agency Scotland (SAAS) when I started my course.
I left my studies before 6th April and have a loan which is not fully repaid. OR I lived in England and started my Postgraduate Master’s course on or after 1 August 2016. OR I lived in Wales and started my Postgraduate Master’s course on or after 1 August 2017. OR I lived in England or Wales and started my Postgraduate Doctoral course on or after 1 August 2018.
I require a visa to work in the UKYesNo
My visa restricts the number of hours I can work NoYes
My right to work share code is
I would like my entitlement to 28 days paid annual leave (pro rata) to be:
My holiday pay will be set aside in my annual leave reserve fund and paid out to me when I request annual leave.
My holiday pay will be paid to me in advance every time I am paid. I’ll receive more money each week, but nothing when I take annual leave.
Learn more: Umbrella Holiday Pay - Your Options
Agency Name *
Agency Postcode
Payment FrequencyWeekly Monthly
Consultant Name
Consultant Email
Consultant Phone
Do you know your assignment details? *YesNo Please select an answer.
That's no problem. Please submit your recruitment agency's details and we'll contact them for your assignment information.
End Client Name *
End Client Postcode *
Have you worked for this end client before?NoYes
Start Date *
Estimated End Date
Business Travel Required?NoYes
Rate Description
Rate Frequency
Days per Week
Select rate description Standard Night Saturday Sunday Bank Holiday Overtime Other
Per Hour Per Day
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